GCCC Bookbusters to host magazine release party

The GCCC Bookbusters club will host a release party for volume two of Project 1919: GCCC’s Magazine of the Arts at 5 p.m. May 1 in the Ronald J. Scott Endowment Room inside the Beth Tedrow Student Center at GCCC.

The magazine will be unveiled, free copies will be given out, award winners will be honored, and excerpts from the publication will be read. All are welcome to attend, and refreshments will be provided.

The mission of Project 1919: GCCC’s Magazine of the Arts is to provide a creative outlet for
GCCC students and employees as well as the community at large.

Project 1919 is part of the Bookbusters club sponsored by the English department. It is a student-run magazine wherein decisions about layout, design, editing, and acceptances are made by students working on the magazine with guidance from faculty.

The magazine itself is a physical book printed on GCCC’s campus and distributed at the end of the Spring semester. This first edition features fiction, poetry, essay, and art submissions from GCCC students and employees, as well as community members.

To learn more about Project 1919 or for any questions, please contact Seth Kristalyn at [email protected] or William Schlichter at [email protected].

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